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Team Events
Consultation 034 533 34 35
Team Events arranges excursions for companies throughout Switzerland.

Minigolf course construction with team game

Minigolf course construction with team game
Minigolf course construction with team game
Minigolf course construction with team game
Minigolf course construction with team game
Minigolf course construction with team game
Minigolf course construction with team game
Minigolf course construction with team game
Minigolf course construction with team game
Minigolf course construction with team game
Minigolf course construction with team game
Minigolf course construction with team game
Minigolf course construction with team game
Build your own minigolf course from professional materials and test the course in a tournament game afterwards.

Planning and construction of your track

At the start of the event, your team will be divided into smaller groups. Each group is given the task of building its own minigolf course from the materials provided. Your company's products can also be used if desired. There are a few rules to follow, otherwise you can let your creativity run free. The whole team plans, tinkers, discusses and sketches.

Presentation and game

After the final optimizations, each team presents its work. Aesthetics, creativity and efficiency are important criteria when assessing the various tracks. Then it's time to get serious, as the courses are put to the test for the first time. The minigolf tournament game soon shows which course really proves its worth! At the final award ceremony, not only the best course is chosen, but also the most successful player.

Destinations, times and places

This team event promotes communication within the team and solution-oriented work. Each member contributes their strengths, takes responsibility within the team and learns to trust others. Together, effectiveness is increased. The event can be held as a short break before a meeting, as a continuous event during the day or in the evening. Whether indoors or outdoors, in your office building, your production hall or in a restaurant followed by an aperitif: anything is possible. Let us advise you.

Size of group

5 to 100 people


1-3 h


all year round


All of Switzerland


German, French, English, Italian

Costs [CHF]

Building a minigolf course with team game
up to 44 pers. 2'000.00  flat-rate
from 45 pers. 45.00  /pers.

Included in the price

-   Preliminary discussion by telephone
-   Customization as desired
-   Coach on site

Not included

-   Outward and return journey
-   Material
-   Possible rental location

Customers' views on this offer

Catherine Yang, HZI


We had a great and fun team building yesterday. The activity has brought everyone together working on our own ideas to built the minigolf tracks. All team members were happy with this activity. Our instructor gave us clear instructions, and she guided us through the entire event.

Nicole Spichiger, PRO LIFE


Herzlichen Dank, wir haben den Tag sehr genossen. Der Kreativität wurden keine Grenzen gesetzt und es war spannend, was alles entstanden ist. Wir haben diskutiert, geplant, ausprobiert, Ideen wieder verworfen, Neues entdeckt und das Endresultat bestaunt. Kurz: Wir hatten viel Spass. Ein grosses Dankeschön.

Ursula Ehrensberger, Primarschule Feld; Wetzikon


Es war ein rundum gelungener Teamanlass mit grossem Spassfaktor. Gut organisiert und gespickt mit einer Prise Humor. Die lustvollen Auflockerungen regten auch zum Nachdenken an. Kann ich weiterempfehlen.

Irène König, Berner Fachhochschule BFH


Ein herzliches Danke an das Eventteam. Es war ein gelungener Anlass. Wir fanden es sehr lustig, kombiniert mit Elementen, die zum Nachdenken angeregt haben. Ich würde sofort wieder buchen!

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